Tuesday, February 15, 2011

here dhabi ghat newest hindi movie

There have been extreme reactions to the movie Dhobi Ghat. Some have liked it, like all Aamir Khan movies in recent times. However, there are a few who didn't like it. And there is nothing wrong in that. This is perhaps the boldest experiment yet from the production house - even more than Peepli Live. 'Peepli' had a rural charm, and an underlying topic to touch the hearts, Dhobi Ghat has none of them.

The english title of the movie, Mumbai Diaries does more justice to name. Its a story about the city of Mumbai, and all those words thrown at you in the trailer of the movie. Its not a story about the protagonists, they are just used as a backdrop. Their own tale is incidental to the movie, and it could have been others in their place as well. We do not know much about any characters in the end, apart from the city. Anyone who has 'lived' in Mumbai, would relate to a lot of things - the relentless rains, the trains, the pace, the crowd, etc. Its a take on Mumbai from different eyes - the eyes of the four lead characters in the movie.

If you are in love with Mumbai, may be this is a must watch for you. There have been many movies made professing their love for the city, and this may be the best amongst them. For all the Aamir Khan fans, this may be a let down as it isn't an Aamir Khan movie. In fact, he may be the most insignificant of the four characters in the movie.

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