Sunday, February 20, 2011

7 Khoon Maaf into croud

Glocal – that’s the last word of 7 Khoon Maaf’s review from my favorite movie reviewer, Nikhat Kazmi. I couldn’t agree more. “Coming of age” is another description I would like to add. Finally, with “7 Khoon Maaf”, the Indian heroine comes out of the shadow and that too with a bang. A very decisive 2011 has decided to give it’s tribute to woman power with the unapologetic trilogy of “No One Killed Jessica”, “Turning 30” and “7 Khoon Maaf”….

Sussana suffers at the hand of her seven husbands, but unlike the thousands of Indian females, she doesn’t suffer in the proverbial “silence”. Instead, she hits back hard at her tormentors… hard enough to take their breaths away, quite literally. That’s the general crux of the movie and apart from that, the rituals of marriage and love and relationships keep happening intermittently.

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